May 2007 Issue

A summary of this month's contents.

Energy Meter (Part 1)

Monitor electricity consumption and costs with this PIC-powered project. LCD readout of power in Watts, energy usage in kWh, period in hours, energy cost in Pounds Sterling or Dollars. Also includes unique Brownout Protection to guard against damaging low voltage dips. Full constructional details are supplied along with free source code available from our Downloads section.




Bass Extender

Gain up to an extra octave of bass response using our Bass Extender project, as long as you are not using them near full power. Suitable for both vented or sealed enclosure loudspeakers, this specially designed filter circuit will enhance the bass response of many hi-fi speakers that do not have a bass response down to 50Hz.

Easy to build analogue circuitry with full constructional details and printed circuit board design included.


Caravan Light Tester

Following a reader's request, we present this lighting test unit that will enable a person to test caravan/ trailer lights without the need for assistance. The tester is powered from a cigar lighter socket and a special detector box is temporarily placed over each lighting cluster. Light-emitting diodes then indicate that the caravan lights are working properly.


PLEASE TAKE NOTE Page 29 Fig 1 the type number of the dual op.amp IC2 shown in the circuit diagram is incorrect. It should be LM358. The parts list is correct..


SMS Controller Add-Ons

If you built the SMS Controller (March and April 2007) then you may be interested in these optional add-on modules described this month:

  • Test Jig
  • PIR sensor interface
  • low battery alarm

Also in this month's issue: Circuit Surgery special feature on designing with the 4046 Phase-locked Loop chip. Techno Talk on how electronics can help us reduce energy consumption. PIC n MX continues our investigation of PIC peripherals, this month the Analog-to-Digital Converter will be described. Practically Speaking on how to make front panel labels. Net Work describes remote backups for your computer files. All this in Everyday Practical Electronics Magazine -- buy online or subscribe now!



Source codes

PCB artwork


PCB artwork


As from July 2013 issue PCB artwork is available free to subscribers only.


Non-subscribers may purchase artwork files for a nominal sum. Please contact our Orders Dept for information or to place an order.


EPE Printed Circuit Boards


We can supply ready-made printed circuit boards (8-digit order codes) to the original design specification via mail order or from our Online Shop.

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