Projects in the August 2001 issue of EPE Magazine
Digitimer- Enhance your ease of viewing with our add-on VCR recording timer for Sky TV. At a preset time, the digibox receiver is sent a set of remote control commands to change to the desired channel. Our unit also offers other functions not provided by Sky's services.
NEW SERIES! Perpetual Projects - perfect for the novice, our series of mini circuits uses a modest solar panel to charge a "Gold Cap" capacitor during the day, which in turn powers a custom-created mini circuit "for ever"! This month an LED Flasher and Double Door Buzzer are described, based on the solar-power supply of the July issue. The same universal mini-PCB can be used for any of the projects. A totally fascinating series, not to be missed, even experienced constructors are sure to want to dabble.

Compact Short Wave Loop Aerial (antenna)- our high quality Q-Multiplied loop antenna amplifies signals and nulls out electrical interference. Four plug-in loops cover 1·5MHz to 30MHz. Battery operated design, all aspects of construction are provided in the article.

In September 2001 issue (P.650) we advised readers who are having problems locating the KV1235/ 6 varicap diodes to contact JAB in the UK, call 0121 681 1329 E-mail An alternative device may be the BB112 single varicap, this has not been tested. See Cricklewood Electronics' advert in that issue.

Lead Acid Battery Charger— For use with 6V and 12V lead-acid batteries of the type used in many modern consumer products. Our constructional project describes the theory of lead acid batteries, and recommends the best way to treat them. The unit works best with battery capacities up to 8Ah. Audio "fault" alarm and other features are included in this useful design.

Also in this issue, New Technology Update considers nano-pipes - the future for transistor technology? Ingenuity Unlimited (readers' own circuit ideas) - we announce the latest prizewinners of superb PICO PC-based oscilloscopes. Circuit Surgery checks out the pitfalls of a simple thyristor alarm. Net Work — The Internet Page — describes SuperCat, a really nifty disk cataloguing program — all your favourite features, in your favourite hobby electronics magazine!